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Major players in C-Store industry trust our reports for their site selection since 2017.

About Ticon

With Ticon you can get a realistic measure of your customer base and understand the behavioral patterns of drivers and pedestrians in the vicinity of your target site.

We provide ample, accurate, affordable traffic data that covers a wide range of indicators geared to answer your questions. The data is optimized through processing by Ticon proprietary algorithm, to facilitate the decision-making and forecasting of localized traffic conditions:

• AADT & Intraday
• Weekdays / Weekends Monthly Traffic Volumes
• Speed & Speed distribution
• Local/Transit traffic composition
• Delays
• Demographic
• Special reports

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring confidence to mobility data and provide it in a structured and useful form that facilitates decision-making for industry professionals.

We are driven by deep understanding of amazing opportunities stemming out of immense amounts and variety of data that becomes available every day. We apply powerful engineering and mathematical apparatus to verify and analyze it.

We concentrate our daily effort on delivering these opportunities to our clients, to transform the abundant data into reliable and useful data.

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